Saturday 21 July 2012

Batman the dark knight rises – Review

Wonderful storyline with excellent UP’s & Down’s, which provided good room to introduce one more super-character, Excellent Sound and visual effects. As usual breath holding entries of batman, kept movie exciting. The unexpected use of more advanced technology to be used as his transport was the requirement of the storyline.

Christian Bale(Batman) is Excellent as usual. I think the villain character loses its grip in the end, We will surely miss a fantastic villain character like Joker here.. Mystery plays its role. Talking about the end.. No I am not going to reveal that. It is said to be concluding of the triology, but there is scope..  Finally, I will recommend you to watch this movie, It’s worth the expectations.

Ratings to Batman from my side, 9.5/10

Feel Free to share your reviews, Thanks.

Sunday 1 July 2012

The Amazing spider-man (Movie review)

The Amazing spider-man (Movie review)

Director Marc Webb has proven himself in the direction front in this movie & also as a successful filmmaker by having good cast. In the beginning, the movie runs around the same characters and storyline but as story goes ahead the complete different storyline start developing, which is quite interesting.

Andrew Garfield has kept the difference with compared to old Peter Parker, and has shown very nice skills. Talking about technology 3D, which is the main attraction, but there are very few, but very  good 3D effects. The story keeps the grip for all the time, some logical changes are made in the old story which will be surely liked by the viewers. In every superhero film a strong villain character contributes a lot towards the success of film, This seems lacking a bit, in the new Spiderman movie.
The direction & the fun watching old Spiderman will surely be missed.
Overall a good Movie to watch, but cannot be said as AMAZING though.
From my side-3.5/5
You can share your reviews for this movie through posting comments.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Where are we really going?

Looking at the today’s fast and advanced lifestyle of ours, social and personal dynamics of life are changing. Yes of course by all means the change is necessary, but the change should be positive.But what kind of changes I am observing in society or in people’s lifestyle, are making very slow but adverse effects, which are affecting their own life on longer run.  

      There is ‘no’thing as social life. 
Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites are becoming the social life of the people, whereas I want to mention that attending these sites, does not mean you are being social. We don’t even know who lives the next door, we merely participate in the social events. Our life should be our job, instead we have made our job our life. Earning money is must but earning people is something valuable. We cannot EARN people through social media sites, Where as these site earns through People. We can connect to people through these social media sites but can never really get attached with them.

         Our Eating habits are eating our health.

Homemade food items, breakfasts are about to vanish, instead it is being replaced by pizza, burger, rolls, 2 minute items and other N number of junk food items, which is sure a cause to worry for our health.

           It’s all about Money.

         Gone are the days of saving every penny and using things till it lasts. In today’s modern culture, we struggle to satisfy our unending desires, either through money from our pockets, or through EMIs, which are easily available for every little thing in the markets today. We spend first, and then what ever is left, are our savings. A complete wrong move.
It does not matter that how much money you have got, but how you plan your money matters the most.

      Relations.. A very relative term!

In old days, every relation was completely defined in its scope. But due to modernization, relations have become more open. It has helped us in sharing our feelings and opinions with each other, which has made some relations very strong. But at the same time, it has also created many complexities, which sometimes makes us get away from our dearest one.  

         Where is time?

         “Time is Money…” Someone has said this, but I must say that 
    in today’s world, time is something much more than money. Because people have so much money, but they don’t have time, not only for their family but also for themselves. When we see any accident, passing by a road, we generally don’t stop because ‘ WE DON’T HAVE TIME ’, And may be our time is valuable than someone’s life.

         Facebook doesn’t come under title ‘Activity ’.

Playing Football , baseball, Cricket, Carom and Chess..reading books..listening to good music..painting something?? 
Are you mad? How come you are doing all these activities, 
which gives you physical and mental relaxation, instead you   should play computer games to gain strain, become aggressive and log in facebook for hours and making optimum utilization of our time and efforts. Is that what we prefer doing?

         Is it in our nature to take care of nature?

‘Trees gives us fruits, flowers, oxygen and wood ’, that must be the lines from our 1st std. textbook. We do parties on beaches, farm houses, Jungle safaris, we enjoy nature. We are consuming natural resources like gas , oil, etc. in our day to day life. What are we giving back? Need to think!

After all this, I must say that our lifestyle is degrading day by day..  Are we doing it intentionally? Surely not, These are the side effects of this so called fascinating lifestyle, however we cannot avoid this and switch to our old days, as it is not practical, so what’s the solution for this? Definitely the BALANCE. 

So according to me, if everyone comes up with their inner thoughts, opinions, experiences and knowledge as well, on various concerns, it will definitely guide us to the path of balance in our life. 

So,I invite you all,to share anything you have got,which might be helpful to others,through this blog!! 

Note: To share anything on this blog,kindly mail us at:-


"Lets Make The Journey Interesting!!" 

Tuesday 22 May 2012

I have come to a place where…

Today i am going to introduce you to one of my dreams.. welcome to InfoPickle.  This is the place where my dreams live, Obviously its for you. But hey!! You will have to wait a little bit to know what it is... so see you soon guys. Have a nice life. :)