Sunday 1 July 2012

The Amazing spider-man (Movie review)

The Amazing spider-man (Movie review)

Director Marc Webb has proven himself in the direction front in this movie & also as a successful filmmaker by having good cast. In the beginning, the movie runs around the same characters and storyline but as story goes ahead the complete different storyline start developing, which is quite interesting.

Andrew Garfield has kept the difference with compared to old Peter Parker, and has shown very nice skills. Talking about technology 3D, which is the main attraction, but there are very few, but very  good 3D effects. The story keeps the grip for all the time, some logical changes are made in the old story which will be surely liked by the viewers. In every superhero film a strong villain character contributes a lot towards the success of film, This seems lacking a bit, in the new Spiderman movie.
The direction & the fun watching old Spiderman will surely be missed.
Overall a good Movie to watch, but cannot be said as AMAZING though.
From my side-3.5/5
You can share your reviews for this movie through posting comments.


  1. In the beginning, mind starts comparing the movie with the old one, but gradually adopts the new story.
    Can be seen as a beginning of completely new Spider-man series, as the movie has left the scope for sequel in the end.
    I would say above average to watch. 3D effects not as expected.

  2. Thanks Tanay for sharing your review :)

  3. Theres not so amazing about this new Spiderman with no proper direction, nor story plot... Was eagerly waiting for this one but now am little disappointed with spiderman. Though Garfield has performed well and Emma stone is looking gorgeous.
    It seems hiring Irfan Khan was mere publicity stunt to attract more crowd from India. He had not a major role to play he hardly faced camera.
    All in all its a better movie to watch amongst last friday's releases.

    1. PraX Firstly, i thank you for your comment, and i am completely agree with your review of the Amazing spider-man movie.

  4. About movie, starting part of the movie gets you busy in identifying some new characters in movie, story is not that good but movie team has compensated it with the 3D effects and graphics, all over one time watch.

  5. Thanks Lokesh Thank you for your comment, this will surely guide people about the Movie. thanks again.
